Defeat the Giants

In our Bible Study we have been reading a book called Goliath Must Fall by Louie Giglio. Goliath was a giant that taunted the Israelites to make them afraid (1Samuel 17). The book gives an example about a woman who bought a tiger as a cub. It was so cuddly and cute at first. But the small baby tiger grew up little by little. As it grew bigger, it took on a vicious attitude and eventually kill her. I assume the lady didn’t even notice that the tiger was becoming a Goliath in her life.


I have been really looking at how fear has been developing into giants in my life without me even knowing. Yes, I am an Elder in the church, I am a intercessor. I go to church on all occasions and I say I have faith but still not recognizing these fear factors. Goliath has no respect of person.


Just like situations in my life, fear has taken over in many instances such as stepping out on faith with my business then and now. Fear of stepping out and purchasing things I need. I know I need to purchase an automobile; but I have fear of getting in debt, fear of commitment to some ministries because I feel that I can’t follow through because of life’s hustles and bustles.


I handle a lot of issues: by putting them on the back burner. Because…out of sight out of mind. So take an observation of your life to see what your giants are. There’s no age limit. Your giant may be totally different from mine but it’s important for you to recognize the Goliath that’s in your life in order to heal and to progress and move forward. In the healing process don’t let Goliath be a revolving door.


Elder Elizabeth Bush


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